

Like five years ago, I was happy and I was living with somebody and she asked me to have a baby. And somehow I was like, I’m not sure about this relationship. So I need to bring something on the table and just be sure that this is what I want. So when I did it, everything just fell apart. So the reason why I brought all these things on the table was because she asked for a baby. And I wasn’t sure about what kind of relationship I was having. So after we break up, I started to think about, I thought my life was one, but in fact it was not the one I thought.

Then, I want to show a person that had one life. It was supposed to be the perfect life. And at some point you break this life and in another reality, you see your life, but it’s much more real than reality of the first one. But in this new reality, there is no baby. So I wanted to show like two realities. One, you have the baby, the other when you don’t have the baby. And what happens in this confrontation? It looks like the mirror. And this is basically where the idea comes from. And of course, this is just based on something personal. And I just separated myself with this person, my personal feelings. And I just did a thriller. It’s what I do. But I thought it was interesting to present somebody who had this perfect life and then break it at some point. And what happens after you wake up one day in a new reality where nobody recognizes you. Who are you supposed to be? But you still have the thought of your baby. So what happens then? That’s the idea.

I tried, my first draft was with the father, because I thought, I’m talking about my personal experience. So it should be a father. But after the first draft, I thought the story was much more powerful with the mother rather than a father. The love of a mother is much more stronger, because a mother would give birth to a child, but I don’t. It would be much more stronger if it was a mother. And then I also needed to separate myself from the material. So I thought it was better with the mother. And then on the second draft, when I change, the farther to the mother, it was much more powerful in my opinion. And um, I mean, there’s something of the power of love, the mother with a child, the bond, it’s much more stronger.

In this film, the strong scene is the key. I always need a strong scene first. I mean I know what do I want to tell, I know how do I want to tell, but I always need the warrior-situation. Like in The Invisible Guests, the situation was: what if you wake up in a hotel, your lover is dead, somebody’s knocking at the door, it’s the police and there was a man inside the room, what would you do in that situation. And you claim you are innocent. That was the strong situation for me. In this one, it was one mother goes to the school to pick up the girl, and they say, no, there is no girl here. This girl doesn’t exist. That was like the strong situation. Once I had this situation of the mother going to the school and just asking for the daughter and the teachers saying there’s no daughter, but we have seen that mother and the teacher know each other. We’ve seen it before. So what the hell is going on? So once I had this strong situation, then I can build around this situation that the whole film.

My last movie is called Contratiempo in in spanish, but in English and Chinese is Invisible Guest. The thing is, Mirage makes a lot of sense in English, in French, in maybe Chinese, but in spanish, the word we have is not beautiful. Espejismo, it doesn’t have the conceptual poetic meaning. So we couldn’t use this concept for the spanish title. I wanted put something poetic to the title. It sounds also like a thriller. It sounds, it has all these meanings.

And it makes sense. So that’s why we change the title.





我上部电影在西班牙语中的意思是“对抗时间”,但在英语和汉语中是《看不见的客人》。这部电影《海市蜃楼》的翻译,Mirage 在英语、法语、汉语中都有很丰富的含义,但在西班牙语中,这并不是一个好听的词汇,它没有诗意的概念。所以我们不能把这个概念用在西班牙语标题上。我想用一个更诗意的标题,听起来也更像一部悬疑片,所以我们改了标题。

来源:知乎 www.zhihu.com



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